Kosovo closes Serbian parallel municipalities and institutions in ten municipalities

Kosovo closes Serbian parallel municipalities and institutions in ten municipalities

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, announced this morning that several parallel municipalities of Serbia, post offices and tax offices have also been closed.

These illegal Serbian institutions have been closed in ten different municipalities including: the municipalities of Lipjan, Obiliq, Pristina, Fushë Kosovë, Vushtrri, Novo Brdo, Kamenica, Viti, Rahovec and Skenderaj.

"With joint action between the Ministry of Interior and the KP, as well as the Ministry of Interior and the MLGA, the era of parallel and criminal municipalities and institutions of Serbia in the Republic of Kosovo ends. Today, the parallel municipalities of Serbia in Lipjan, Obiliq, Pristina, Fushë Kosovë, Vushtrri, Novobërdë, Kamenicë, Viti, Rahovec, Skënderaj, as well as the illegal post office and tax office, have been closed," Sveçla wrote.

Sveçla emphasized that this action represents the end of the period of functioning of Serbia's parallel structures, which have operated in Kosovo and violated the sovereignty and legality of the state of Kosovo.

The closure of two Serbian parallel institutions in the north - two people are interviewed, the police show what they confiscated at the scene
Read too The closure of two Serbian parallel institutions in the north - two people are interviewed, the police show what they confiscated at the scene

"As we have pledged, we will not allow any parallelism, let alone criminal parallelism, of Serbia that violates the Constitution and legality in our country," the Minister of Interior wrote in a Facebook post.

In the video published by Sveçla, the Minister of Local Government Administration of Kosovo, Elbert Krasniqi, is also seen, who said that "as of today, the 28 parallel, criminal municipalities of Serbia in Kosovo and their five districts are finally closed."

Meanwhile, the Kosovo Police has said that the regional directorates of Pristina, Gjilan, Gjakova and South Mitrovica are conducting police operations, but has not confirmed what operations they are talking about.

"After the completion of the police operation, additional information will be made public," the police stated.

We recall that the Kosovo authorities have begun closing Serbian institutions since January 2024, initially closing the temporary municipal bodies of Dragash, Suhareka, Prizren and Rahovec, which were located south of the Ibar River.

Then those of Peja, Istog, Klina, Skenderaj have also been closed, as well as those in the municipalities in the north: North Mitrovica, Zveçan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

Meanwhile, the branches of the Serbian Post in northern Kosovo, the vault of the National Bank of Serbia in Leposavic, the Postal Savings Bank, the Office for Kosovo of the Government of Serbia, the Directorate of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, the Kosovo-Mitrovicë Administrative District, and the Center for Social Work in Vushtrri have also been closed. /Telegraph/