Juicier and tastier pumpkin pies you have not tried so far

Juicier and tastier pumpkin pies you have not tried so far

Pumpkins are an excellent food, especially for those people who want to lose weight. They have few calories, fill the stomach and give a feeling of satiety

You need:

▪ 4 – 5 medium-sized pumpkins,
▪ 5 egg,
▪ 2 tablespoons of flour,
▪ 10 spoons of gray soup,
▪ 1 small bag of powdered yeast,
▪ 400 g of cheese for pie,
▪ 100 ml of oil,
▪ ½ cup yogurt,
▪ 1/1 small cream,
▪ salt, pepper.


Wash and peel the pumpkins, grate them, sprinkle with salt and let them sit in the drain for 10 to 15 minutes.

During that time, beat the eggs with a mixer and slowly add the other ingredients, mixing constantly - flour, semolina, yogurt, cream, oil, cheese, yeast.

Then drain the grated courgettes well so that the excess juice comes out of them and combine with the shaken solution.

Add salt and pepper as desired.

You can bake the pita both in a round pan and in a square one, in which you have previously put the baking paper.

Put it in the oven, which you have previously heated to 200 degrees Celsius, and bake it for about 45-50 minutes, until it takes on a beautiful chestnut color.

If you wish, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on the pita before baking.

After it cools down a bit, your drink is ready to serve and enjoy its taste.

May you be well, - he broadcasts Telegraph.