Practitioner of the Islamic religion, but Xuxi calls again for the legalization of cannabis

Practitioner of the Islamic religion, but Xuxi calls again for the legalization of cannabis
Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

Naim Bunjaku - Xuxi made a splash a few days ago with his statement on the legalization of cannabis.

And in 'Big Brother Today', this statement was treated as a topic, where Xuxi was asked the question that religion allows the consumption of cannabis.

He said there are some differences and called for it to be legalized, sparking a fierce debate among competitors.

Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

"Legalize weed, cannabis, the Kurti Government if it is still in the Government there. Let's not tie everyone to religion. According to Islamic principles, it is Sharia, I live in a democratic state", he said.

He further said: "I practice Islam, I don't drink alcohol, I don't go after women." That's it. I don't drink alcohol. Because I think that many children or young people who are at risk in schools, a control of this substance".

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Among other things, the resident added: "Cannabis does not make you drunk. Tobacco is more dangerous, it has tar, it has many things. Let's not mix things up."

Others said he is contradicting his words and actions. /Telegraph/