Indian girl cuts off her boyfriend's penis because he refused her marriage

Indian girl cuts off her boyfriend's penis because he refused her marriage

An Indian girl could not stand being abandoned by her boyfriend and took revenge by cutting off his penis.

When the 23-year-old told her that he could not marry her, she took it very badly. The 20-year-old Indian made a plan to make her boyfriend pay. She invited him home to have sex, but tied him up and cut off his genitals with a sickle.

Her action was revenge so that the young man would not have intimate relations with his future wife. After cutting off his penis, the author went out into the street holding a part of the organ.

Surprisingly, the injured man tried to protect the 20-year-old, telling the family that he had committed the act himself. But then the truth was revealed and the Indian girl is accused of attempted murder, the thread reports.

The family of the 23-year-old was against this marriage, as the young people belonged to different castes.