How often should you get your hair cut?

How often should you get your hair cut?

It's always tricky to determine when you need a haircut. Especially if you're trying to grow your hair out.

So, how often should we cut our hair? According to hairdressers, there is an appropriate amount of time that you should stick to if you can.

This also depends on many factors such as hair type, length, and thickness.

There are many variations between hair types. Hair comes in different lengths and levels of thickness. And according to hair expert Philip B, this determines the amount of time you should have to cut it.

He claims that people with short hair should get their hair cut every month. People with medium length hair should get it cut after six to eight weeks, and people with long hair should get it cut every six months.

Thick hair should not be cut as often as thin hair.

When can we know when the time is right?

There are various telltale signs, one of which is split ends, but there are also other signs, such as if your hair is 'tangled' every day or when it's tied up too much.

If you have curly hair and the ends are losing all their curl, this is another signal to book an appointment with your hairdresser.

Philip B. advises not to wait more than six months to cut your hair.

"After a certain time, no matter how well you treat your hair, your ends tend to become [frizzed]."

If you're trying to grow your hair, you should trim it regularly. Even if it seems counterintuitive.

Another expert, Mary Kate O'Conner, explains that you shouldn't wait until the parting goes all the way to the hair shaft. /Telegraph/