DAP publishes new list of debtors for 2025

DAP publishes new list of debtors for 2025

The Directorate of Public Revenue (DAP) published the list of debtors for debts incurred by September 30, 2024, and unpaid by December 31, 2024 based on VAT, profit tax, personal income tax, mandatory social security contributions, excise duties and customs.

In the list of debtors, which is public on the DPA website, there are 1962 legal entities, which is seven debtors less than the previous list, and 3915 natural persons, respectively 69 more than the previous list.

The total net debt published is 11.509.677.366 denars, respectively 309.353.404 denars more than the previous list.

The net debt for taxes and contributions is 11.332.488.139 denars, more precisely 268.957.462 more than the previous list, while the debt for customs duties is 177.189.227 denars or 40,395,942 more than the previous list.