Assange: Will the Internet free us or enslave us?!

Assange: Will the Internet free us or enslave us?!

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims in a book that the world is at a crucial stage to make a decision about whether the Internet will set us free or enslave us.

The book is published under the title "Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet", and is partly based on the TV series "World Tomorrow", of the Russian television RT. Assange is a co-author, as are Jacob Appelbaum, Jeremy Zimmermann and Andy Muller Maguhn.

In the book, cypherpunks are described as citizen advocates who use cryptography to protect electronic communication from government and corporate espionage. The book also states that the Internet can be a tool of both freedom and oppression.

The authors claim that we are witnessing the conflict regarding whether "electronic communication will emancipate us or enslave us", say the publishing house in New York, "OR Books".

The book was published despite the fact that Assange is still holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. This country granted him asylum in August.

Cypherpunks is the movement that was created by the "Cypherpunks' Electronic Mailing List", whose activists aimed to improve privacy and security on the Internet through the active use of cryptography. They have been active since the late 80s of the last century.

The founder of WikiLeaks has sought asylum to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is accused of rape. Assange believes that upon arrival in Sweden he will be extradited to the United States, where he would be sentenced for publishing secret diplomatic correspondence on Wikileaks. He has expressed his concern that he will be unjustly punished with a prison sentence, or even death. /Telegraph/