Marjoram, the medicine that is missing from our kitchen

Marjoram, the medicine that is missing from our kitchen

Arginaria is a plant with a long stem and a flower. Its stem reaches up to 1,5 m. The leaves cover each other and in bloom, a large flower emerges at the top. We find it today with names such as arginary, artichaut (French) al-harsufa (Arabic), artichoke, as the Americans call it, etc.

Prof. Lea Ioannis Tomatis

Arginaria, at first it was used as a medicine and had not yet entered the Western or Arab cuisine, which immediately borrowed it. Then they looked at it as an aphrodisiac plant and often forbade women to not get excited.

An anti-oxidant plant

Arginary is an anti-oxidant plant that fights "free radicals", which are found in the body and are the cause of aging of the organs and the whole organism. There are many phenolic compounds in artichokes as well as anti-cyanics. Similarly, in the composition of arginine we find another antioxidant called silymarin, which has many anti-cancer effects.

Inulin is a prebiotic carbohydrate that is not digested or absorbed by the cecum, but is fermented by the bacterial flora of the large intestine. Beneficial gut bacteria can absorb inulin, which is beneficial for good gut function. It controls glycemia and blood lipids. But arginine is also very good against cardiovascular diseases. It has a lot of fiber in its composition and helps against constipation, also controlling type 2 diabetes.

Some minerals and vitamins constituents of arginine

The copper found in arginary is very useful for the formation of hemoglobin and collagen (the protein that serves in the structure and repair of tissues); Magnesium, which is in the composition of arginine, serves us in the formation of bones and the construction of proteins in enzymatic actions. It serves for muscle contractions, good dental health and the functioning of the immune system. It plays a role in energy metabolism and the transmission of nerve impulses.

The iron we get through artichokes is known to be quite important, as it is in the composition of every cell of the body. It is essential in transporting oxygen and forming red blood cells. It plays a role in the formation of new cells, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B9 (folate) found in arginine is very necessary for the construction of body cells, i.e. red blood cells. It plays a fundamental role in the production of genetic material (DNA, RNA); in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, as well as in wound healing.

Vitamin K is necessary for the synthesis of proteins that cooperate for blood coagulation and bone formation. The calcium we get from artichokes helps us form bones and teeth, blood coagulation, blood pressure control, and heart muscle contraction.

Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral found in this green, after calcium. It serves us for the formation of bones and teeth, for the growth and development of children, the regeneration of tissues and maintaining the normal level of "pH" of the blood. It is one of the components of cell membranes.

Arginine is a great source of potassium. In the body, potassium serves to balance the "pH" of the blood, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid from the stomach, thus favoring digestion. It helps in muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses.

Zinc participates in immune reactions in the fabrication of genetic material, taste perception, wound healing and fetal development in the womb. Also, in arginary there are a number of vitamins such as: Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Vitamin C, etc.

Is it good for the liver?

Yes! Arginaria has a wonderful effect on the liver and is a wonderful diuretic. "Cynarine" is used in medical laboratories to create drugs that favor "hepatobiliary" functioning. This quality, as "choleretic", stimulates hepatic and bile secretions. "Cynarine" is especially concentrated in the stem of the arginary, which we do not consume. Sea buckthorn also has other healing qualities. It eliminates the many toxins that we have in the body, serves against fatigue and relieves the bile for the evacuation of fluids.

Embankment in our kitchens

Arginaria has long been cultivated in our country as a dish or in the form of a salad, but it has not yet found widespread use like other greens.
Due to its wonderful qualities, arginaria should be widely cultivated. Baked arginine oxidizes quickly, so after cooking, it should be consumed quickly and should not be left even in the refrigerator. It is only stored fresh, that is, uncooked. When you eat artichokes and drink water, you feel a sweet taste in your mouth. This comes as a result of its component, inulin, which acts on the taste receptors in the human tongue. Arginaria supplies us with specific carbohydrates (sugar) like insulin, which is partially consumed. /Telegraph/

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