Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s... 2020!?

Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s... 2020!?
Caricature made by master Murat Ahmeti

The years that end with zero, on the eve of the new decade or century or millennium... are boring years, but leading to the biggest processes and changes...


Tirana, 1920: The celebration of July 4, the day of independence of the USA

The year 1920 is an important year for Albanians. This year, great names of Albanian art, culture and education are born, such as e.g.: geography, ethnography and writer Mark Krasniqi; historian Kristo Frashëri; poet, linguist and critic Arshi Pipa; actress Marie Logoreci; poet and theater director, Zef Zorba; musicologist and composer Ramadan Sokoli; as well as the folklorist, writer and professor of literature, Anton Çetta, better known as the leader of the Central Council of the National Movement for the Reconciliation of Blood in Kosovo. Thanks to his commitment, at the beginning of the 1990s, the bad phenomenon of blood feud almost disappeared in Kosovo. And, when reconciliation is achieved, the people are united and ready for... war!

In 1920, the Albanian communists, Qemal Stafa and Rita Marku, were born. This Rita was a man! Meanwhile, in 1920 Zef Lush Marku, who was a member of the Yugoslav Communist Party, died. Albania was the worst communist country in Europe, but it must be admitted that the first Albanian communists were from Kosovo.

In 1920, the composer and conductor Palokë Kurti also died.

The year 1920 marks a very important event for the history of the Albanian state: the Congress of Lushnja, which took place on January 21-31.

Delegates of the Congress of Lushnja

"The Congress of Lushnja would have the profound effect of emphasizing in the nation's aspirations the idea of ​​absolute independence and the integrity of the country, letting foreigners understand, the political world, that the country works according to the principles of nationality, relying on his rights without being a tool of any foreign power. It can be said that since the League of Prizren, it was the first manifestation of a very special importance for this people, of a work done with the power that came only from his body", the Congress, intellectual and patriot Mit'hat Frashëri said about this in the work "Problems of independent Albania".

The Congress of Lushnja approves the constitutional act for the complete independence of Albania, as well as elects the high council of four people who would perform the functions of the head of state and a national council of 37 people. Sulejman Delvina was elected Prime Minister. This is how the Government of Durrës is overthrown. But, to be sure of this, an assassination is ordered that will be the most sensational in the history of Albanians: the murder of Esat Paşe Toptan by Avni Rustemi, on June 13 in Paris - an assassination that still creates confusion among Albanians.

Avni Rustemi after the assassination, beaten by Parisian citizens

Toptani was brave and defended Shkodra from the Montenegrins (the siege started on October 8, 1912, while it lasted until the controversial surrender of the city, by Esat Pasha, on April 25, 1913). However, he was also a careerist, a power-thirsty dallkauk. So, he is not holy, but it cannot be said that he was the personification of the devil, as the communist system presented him. That Zef Pllumi, in the first book "Just live to show me" and deeds "As we were saying yesterday..." showed that, according to the archives of the Franciscans that he had seen as a young man, Esat Pashë Toptani wanted an ethnic Albania. According to him, Avni Rustemi was a naive patriot who was encouraged by Luigj Gurakuqi and Mehmet Konica to kill Esati. Their advice was to go to Paris and ask for a scholarship for his studies. Esati meets him and agrees that he will help him, since Albania needs educated people. When Avni refuses to carry out the assassination, they fill his mind with his "betrayals". And he killed the man who welcomed him.

The intellectual and the man who best documented the Albanian history of the first decades of the 20th century, Eqrem bey Vlora, in the second volume of his book, "Memories", wrote: "That Esat Pasha in any civilized country would have avenged the tripod, this is not disputed. But, that he was eliminated in this unworthy way, this does not honor the members of that government (of Lushnja - vj)". Meanwhile, he said about Avni Rustem: "A boy named Avni Rustemi, one of the most unsuccessful students, who wanted to make a name for himself with this murder, was nothing more than a tool in the hands of Esat Pasha's opponents. They gave him the necessary tools for this murder and immediately took over his defense before the French court... French justice, with a surprising manipulation of the law, acquitted Avni Rustem and the Albanian government declared him a hero and made him a deputy, when this treacherous killer, therefore, roamed around Tirana like some savior of the homeland. This example showed all the Albanian boys how by means of a bullet shot from behind the back like burracaks, you can become a great man".

The grave of Esat Pasha Toptan, in Paris, in the cemetery of Serbian and Montenegrin soldiers

Avni Rustemi was a leftist. He was a hero for Ahmet Zogu, then for Fan Noli and, above all, for the communist regime of Enver Hoxha. All of them designed an enemy who does not want the good of the Albanian (Esatin) and a hero who threatens that the opponents, those who think differently, will be punished (Avniun). But the case of Enver Hoxha proves that comparison with evil leads to another, greater evil.

The Congress of Lushnja made Tirana the new capital of Albania. But, most importantly, he revived patriotism by warning that Albanians will protect Albania from further divisions.

"The taking over of Shkodra (March 25, 1920) was the first political success, along with it a sign of sympathy given by the Great Powers. It was also the first degree for the grouping of different parts of the motherland around a single authority. The capture of Gjirokastra (April 27), the release of Korça from the French (May 15) and its peaceful reunification, once again completed the success of the new government, increased its confidence and once again awakened the will of the nation. , who crowned the work started in Lushnje", said Frashëri. "Both years, 1919 and 1920, inside Albania and before the Peace Conference, there was an unbroken struggle against the Secret Treaty of London, against the dismemberment of Albania. The Congress of Lushnja and the bloody efforts of Vlora crowned the patriotic work by proclaiming the will of the nation universally and with great fanfare. These gestures definitively settled the issue, ensuring the triumph of two principles: political independence and territorial integrity. After those events, the Peace Conference no longer dared to discuss the violation of these two rights. But the biggest effect of the fighting would be for the internal psychology of the people, for their dignity and character. In 1912, a dangerous and very harmful belief appeared among the Albanians, according to which Albania was not made by the Albanians, but by Europe. This mentality had the fatal result of an apparatus, a magnanimity and a carelessness. Since the foreigners made us, then we no longer had any burden, any duty. Logic, really a crooked logic, wanted that, who did it, who caused it to happen, let him try to root it out! Mortal judgment that kills and destroys all responsibility for a nation. But now, in 1920, Albania was made, created, prepared not only by the Albanians themselves, but also against Europe, against all the powers and nations wrapped around the Peace Conference. The work was done by the Albanians themselves, against the malice of others, without any help from eyes, not even a sympathy was late in coming, when the world saw that the Albanian was trying for himself, with his own power and means. Such an event has great significance for the history of a nation. He exercises an action, it influences his whole life. It is a lamp: it shines and should shine whenever it is in darkness and evil, at any time and on any occasion. Remembering great acts of patriotism is a happiness as well as a duty."

Tirana in 1920

Albanian patriotism is evidenced by the War of Vlora, otherwise known as War of the Twenties. This war starts on June 4. After three months of fighting, the Albanians entered the city on September 3 as winners. The song-anthem is dedicated to the War of Vlora, "Vlora-Vlora", with music by Thoma Nasi and lyrics by Ali Asllani. These verses are also sung there: "Vlora, brave Albanians / like a slave, you don't love your life at all / will Albania remain / will it become smoke and ashes / Vlora, Vlora, Vlora, Vlora / lay down your weapons, fight." After Vlora, the Italians also leave Saranda, Durrës and Shengjini.

Apart from Vlora, the Albanians led by Elez Isufi and Bajram Curri attack the Serbian forces positioned in the Dibra area on August 13. After many battles, the Serbs retreated in November 1921. While, under the leadership of Xhemal beg Bushati, Sulço beg Bushati and Malik Sokol, in what is known as the Battle of Koplik, on July 27, 1920, the war began against the Serbian and Montenegrin forces who were inserted in the surroundings of Shkodra. The Serbs retreat to the borders of 1913, on February 14, 1921. In the Dibra and Koplik Wars, Ahmet Zogu played an important role - the future enemy of Elez Isufi, Bajram Curri and Xhemal Beg Bushati. And, Sulço will work against Hasan Prishtina.

On November 9, 1920, the Conference of Ambassadors recognizes Albania's borders of 1913, while on November 17, Albania becomes a member of the League of Nations.

In 1920, with the creation of the National Council, or the first Parliament of Albania, the first political parties were created. On October 10, the People's Party was formed, where the following figures stood out: Fan Noli, Ahmet Zogu, Luigj Gurakuqi, Bajram Curri, etc. A month later, the Albanian Progressive Party was formed, dominated by the following figures: Hoxhë Kadri Prishtina, Hasan Prishtina, Shefqet Vërlaci and... Bajram Curri. These two parties started the divisions that have not yet stopped in Albania.

View from the War of Vlora

The events that marked the world in 1920 are: on January 7, the civil war in Russia begins; on January 10, with the Treaty of Versailles, the First World War officially ends. But this treaty was nothing more than a fuse that will start another bigger and more terrible war - World War II. On January 17, Prohibition begins in the USA; on February 12-24, the London Conference is held where Great Britain, France and Italy meet to discuss the division of the Ottoman Empire; on February 24, Adolf Hitler presents the National Socialist program of the German Workers' Party, later to be known as the Nazi Party; on March 10, Sweden's first social democratic government is peacefully installed; in April, the Spanish Flu pandemic ends, the last before the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, which will kill 17-50 million people in the world; on April 23, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk installs the Great National Assembly in Ankara, which dismisses the government of Sultan Mehmed VI, who on August 10 signs the infamous Treaty of Sevres for the partition of Turkey; on September 5, Mahatma Gandhi starts the Non-Cooperation Movement that aimed for India's independence; Gabriele D'Annunzio proclaims the Independent State of Fiume/Rijeka. D'Annunzio has an interesting history with Hasan Pristina. In 1920, these two meet. Pristina is looking for weapons and d'Annunzio – as an opponent of Serbian expansionism that he was. These weapons would be used against Serbian forces in Kosovo. He agrees to send them, without any compensation, to the port of Shengjin. But this is where Sulejman Pasha Delvina and Ahmet Zogu's fight "to protect Albania" begins. Because, according to them, Serbia would attack Kosovo, while the worst thing for them is not this attack but the other eventual attack on the territory accepted as an Albanian state. In order to save himself in the name of "Albania", Sejfi Vllamasi commits to pay over 20 thousand gold francs to Sulço and Malo Bushati from Shkodra to stop, in any way, this "smuggling". As we also learn from the work of Vllamasi ("Political confrontations in Albania"), they succeed.

Gabriele D'Annunzio

On November 11, the Cenotaph of the Unknown Soldier is unveiled in London. In 1920, but the exact date is unknown, the first case of HIV/AIDS was registered in Kinshasa, Congo.

Also born in 1920 were: Secretary General of the United Nations Organization in the years 1982-1991, Javier Perez de Cuéllar; the great film director, Federico Fellini; King Farouk of Egypt, the last ruler of the Albanian dynasty of Mehmet Ali Pasha; actors Toshiro Mifune, Yul Brynner and Montgomery Clift; Pope John Paul II; singer Peggy Lee; as well as, the famous science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov. Meanwhile, the famous painter Amedeo Modigliani and the jeweler Peter Carl Faberge, known especially for the so-called Faberge Eggs, died.

Prohibition, or America's failed war on alcohol


Prishtina in 1930

The year 1930 does not mark any major event. However, this year saw the birth of great names of Albanian art and science, such as: Arbër historian Aleksandër Stipçeviq; journalist, translator and poet Fatos Arapi; linguist Besim Bokshi; esthete Alfred Uçi; the writers Bedri Dedja, Mehmet Myftiu and Ali Huruglica; actress Marika Kallamata; as well as the singer, actor and great theater director, Muharrem Qena. Bahri Oruçi was born in 1930 and was the chairman of the Executive Council of Kosovo in the years 1978-1980. In 1930 died: Ali Riza Kolonja - one of the first organizers of the Albanian National Army that was founded by the Government of Vlora; fighter and educator Bajo Topulli; as well as the poet, playwright, patriot and great renaissance, Andon Zako Çajupi.

View from the floods in Shkodër, in 1930

In 1930, Albania had two prime ministers, both from Korça: Koço Kotën (until March 5) and Pandeli Evangjelin. Kota worked in the administration of Ismail Qemali, while he was a delegate in the Congress of Lushnja. After the Second World War, he seeks refuge in Greece, but very soon, in 1945, he will be kidnapped by three agents (an Albanian, a Soviet and a Greek). Kota died in Burrel Prison. For Albania, the Gospel has made even greater contributions. After the Italian occupation, he withdrew from political life, while after the liberation, at an advanced age, the communists expelled him from Tirana. He died in Korça, in a foreign home, at the age of 90 (in 1949).

A mountain family in 1930

In 1930, the Assembly of Albania unanimously approves the first agrarian reform. This is evidence that the Albanian Kingdom took good steps for the development of the country, passing important laws, and even making efforts for the development of tourism. However, the effects of the Great Economic Crisis hit Albania as well. The consequences will increase in the following years, and this will destroy many workshops and businesses of that time, for which the external debt is added. Another problem was the fall of the country under the influence of Italy. For example, from 1930, the English, American and French companies stop the search for oil, to pass everything into the hands of the Italian companies. Another evidence of poverty is the fact that the migration of Albanians has continued, all the way to Australia. However, the global crisis does not leave Australia alone, which is why the Albanian diaspora is forced to move from one country to another.

The memories of the Italian Arnaldo Canciani, who arrived in Tirana in January 1930, testify to the condition of Albania. "The distance from Durrës to Tirana is only 38 kilometers, but with the tools and that dilapidated road it took several hours", he said.

Photo of "Life" magazine, from Albania in 1930

Zogu, in March of 1930, with a special decree appoints Sali Niazi Deden as the world chief grandfather of the Bektashians, while in August he designated the center of the World Bektashian Chief Magistrate in the teke of Melçan in Korça (one year later it was settled in Tirana).

In the 1920s, the West sought to create a Balkan Pact (as it sought, 90 years later, the "Balkan Mini-Schengen"). This initiative was revived in 1930 with the organization of the first Balkan Conference in Athens. The International Peace Office in Geneva evaluated this initiative as useful for the Balkan region, "because of the neighborhood, economic conditions, cultural aspirations and their history". Albania gave a positive response to this initiative, as well as France's idea for the Federal Union of Europe.

In 1930, Albania had 833 inhabitants.

The situation in other Albanian lands, the occupied ones, was of course more serious. P. sh. The "Proleter" newspaper of Serbia, in 1930, among other things, wrote: "In Macedonia and Kosovo, the general-fascist dictatorship continued the Serbian agrarian policy with hitherto unseen means of white terror. The land is simply violently taken and given to the Bellogardists and Serbian volunteers. Entire villages are burned in order to make room for settlers. With rifles, machine guns and bombs, thousands and thousands of Albanian families are expelled from their homes".

In 1930, as part of the study of national clothing in Southeastern Europe, the American photographer Blanche Payne visited Kosovo, where, among other things, she took some photos. It is said that she was impressed by the aprons in Albanian women's clothing.

Photo from Peja taken by Blanche Payne

Some of the events that marked the world in 1930 are: the existence of Pluto is discovered, which was called a planet until 2006 (after this year, a dwarf planet); Danish painter Einar Wegener changes gender and calls himself Lili Elbe (based on his life, in 2016 the film "The Danish Girl"); The government of Turkey asks the internationals to adapt the names Istanbul and Ankara respectively for Constantinople and Angora; on April 18, BBC Radio gives this unique report: "Good evening. Today is a good Friday. There is no news".

In 1930, the astronauts who first set foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were born; actors Gene Hackman, Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood and Sean Connery; director Jean-Luc Godard; composer Stephen Sondheim; singer Ray Charles; as well as the politician who united the two Germanys in 1990, Helmut Kohl.

Einar Wegener alias Lili Elbe


View from Shkodra (1940)

Prime Minister of Albania, in 1940, was Shefqet Bej Vërlaci. He was the prime minister of the country in 1924. Meanwhile, the king was Victor Emmanuel III of Italy.

In 1940, the Constitution approved in 1929, declaring Albania a democratic and parliamentary state, is annulled. This same year, the Albanian Army joined the Italian Army. So, the country's sovereignty was revoked. But, nevertheless, although in occupation, the Italians started a series of important projects, such as in urban planning, education, social policy, etc. For example, in 1940 the Albanian Automobile Transport Society (SATA) was established. Likewise, the Italians encouraged nationalism, especially among Albanians outside Albania.

SATA buses

The main event of 1940, for Albanians, was the outbreak of the Italo-Greek War. Italians attack Greece through Albanian territory. The Italians suffer an embarrassing defeat. To make matters worse, the Greeks entered the Albanian territory by occupying important cities, such as Gjirokastra, Korça, etc. This failure forces Hitler to postpone the invasion of the USSR, to come to the aid of the tired Italians. And this postponement will later be fatal for Germany. However, the attack that started on October 28, 1940 caused Greece to still not cancel, even today, 80 years later, the Law of War with Albania.

In 1940, the resistance of the Albanians against the fascist occupation began. Likewise, the Albanian Fascist Party was formed, which never succeeded in becoming a mass movement.

An Albanian fascist

Professor Ejup Statovci was born in 1940, who was rector of the University of Pristina in 1991-1997, as well as the great Shkodran poet, Frederik Rreshpja.

In 1940, Albanians lost some great figures. This year, the National Poet, the Franciscan friar Gjergj Fishta died, who was an educator, critic, esthete, historian, writer, translator, chairman of the commission for the drafting of the alphabet at the Congress of Manastir, member of the Përmeti Government delegation at the Versailles Conference and deputy chairman of the legislature. Albanian in 1921... In 1945, his body was exhumed and disappeared by the communists who took power after the withdrawal of German troops. In 1940, the photographer and painter Kel Marubi (Mikel Kodheli), activist of the national issue, Syrja bey Vlora, as well as the politician and former prime minister Xhaferr bey Ypi, died.

View from the Italo-Greek War

When it comes to Kosovo, it is worth noting that in 1940, the illiteracy rate here was at the level of 74 percent. The five most common names were: Fatima, Bajram, Ajshe, Emine and Ali. Meanwhile, the main surnames were: Krasniqi, Gashi, Berisha, Shala and Morina.

Europe is seething with fighting. On March 5, members of the Soviet Politburo order the execution of 25 intellectuals and 600 Polish soldiers. This horrific event is known as the Katyn Massacre. From April 14, Germany begins the invasion of these countries: Denmark, Norway, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg... On May 700, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigns (he will die in 9). Winston Churchill is appointed the new Prime Minister of the country. On May 10, Churchill, in his speech, says that he has nothing to offer, "but blood, toil, tears and sweat".

On June 4, the withdrawal of British troops from Dunkirk, France begins. In his speech, about this action, Churchill says: "We will go to the end of this work. We will fight in France; we will fight in seas and oceans; we will fight with increased confidence and increased strength in the air; we will defend our island, no matter the cost. We will fight on the beaches, we will fight on the landing zones, we will fight in the fields and in the streets, we will fight in the hills. We will never give up"!

View of the withdrawal of British soldiers from Dunkirk

No one knows exactly why the Germans held back the attack on Dunkirk, an attack from which Great Britain would hardly recover. One version says that the main thing for Germany was the conquest of the south of France and then the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, since until those moments Britain and the world were not aware of the staggering power of Germany, Hitler believed that this country would not choose war. This conviction was strengthened by the fact that many English politicians and aristocrats expressed sympathy for him and readiness for an agreement with the Germans. In support of this, in 1945, as he was nearing his end, Hitler is said to have been frustrated that the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, did not reciprocate. "sports chance" which he offered him at Dunkirk. On the other hand, the facts say that on May 21, 1940 there was a big attack with British tanks, which had caused a negative psychological effect on the invincible German soldiers. Also, the German motorized troops were moving quickly, which left the infantry at risk. Therefore, the Germans stopped the attacks for three days on May 24. This gave the British time to rethink their defense lines. However, when on May 25, by chance, during an attack, they also received the plans of the German army, then the battle strategy changed. Added to these facts is another theory which says that the English had cracked the most clever deciphering machine, the pride of Aryan genius, the Enigma (which only with one ring positioning had this number of combinations: 15 times 10 to the power of 18), so it is claimed that they were informed that Hitler wanted peace with them.

However, in a major action, where civilians were also involved, 338 British soldiers were rescued from Dunkirk. This is the key moment in changing the course of World War II.

June 1940: The German army enters Paris

It should be noted that since the beginning of 1940, German doctors and nurses systematically killed mentally ill and disabled people, who were considered "burden" for which they should be "disappeared". They were gassed, drugged or simply left to starve.

Director Brian De Palma was born in 1940; "weak" actors - Peter Fonda, Al Pacino, Raquel Welch; the "strongest" actors - Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee; musicians Al Jarreau, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and Frank Zappa; as well as the football legend, Edson Arantes do Nascimento – Pele. In 1940, the revolutionary and one of the main figures of the October Communist Revolution in Russia, Leon Trotsky (killed by order of Joseph Stalin), as well as the famous American writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald, died.

On May 15, 1940, the first "McDonald's" restaurant was opened in San Bernardino, California. The food industry will never be the same again.

"McDonald's", tasty, fast and cheap


Enver hoxha

Albania in 1950 had 1.2 million inhabitants. The country is made with a new Constitution. The Chairman of the Presidium of the People's Assembly was Omer Nishani. Enver Hoxha was Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

After the trial and execution of Koçi Xoxes and the purges within the ranks of the Labor Party, Enver Hoxha definitively breaks relations with the "Yugoslav brothers". Yugoslavia responded by canceling the Treaty of Friendship and withdrawing, in 1950, its diplomatic mission from Tirana.

After Yugoslavia, relations with the Soviet Union flourish. Albania's economy now depended on the "generosity" of Joseph Stalin and the loans that the Eastern Bloc offered him. Well, it is not that these loans did not bring changes, especially in education and the health system, which is reflected in the decrease in the mortality of newborn babies and the decrease in illiteracy.

Mother and child (view from Albania in 1950)

However, Albania was under a cruel dictatorship and the people were unhappy. Therefore, the Americans, and especially the British, start preparations to overthrow the communist regime of Enver Hoxha. The operation was called "Operation Valuable Fiend" and was so secret that neither American President Harry Truman nor British Prime Minister Clement Attlee knew about it. If the plan was successful, it was thought to be repeated in other satellite countries of the Soviet Union.

Julian Amery, Bill McLean and David Smiley were hired for this operation. All three had served in Albania (as British liaison officers) during the Second World War. Opponents of the Albanian communist regime, such as Mit'hat Frashëri, Abaz Ermenji, Sait Kryeziu and Abaz Kupi, also agreed to this operation. 30 Albanians were initially recruited as saboteurs, while the exercises were carried out in Malta.

"They all wore British military uniforms, but none of them spoke English. During the weekend, they went to Rabbat and Mdina, which were close from Fort Bingemma, but they went even further, like to Sliemma, where there were shops and restaurants. From the memories of the participants and from the records of the time it is known that the saboteurs went to the city in large groups and spoke a strange language. They were noisy, but they didn't cause problems like other soldiers, since they didn't drink alcohol. They were very disciplined. However, they were arrested by the military police for an almost ridiculous reason: because they went out in the city with sneakers. When they were arrested, they didn't say anything because that was the order. Then, Smiley or one of the senior officers would go and release them. This was a big problem as it was repeated often. They could not put on their shoes. It was necessary to provide them with a special transport and to order the military police to stop bothering them, regardless of what they were wearing.", says researcher Daut Dauti. "On October 28, 1949, after several weeks of exercises under the scorching sun, the first group left for Albania. Then the other groups continued. Harry Hodgkinson, who at this time was engaged in the section of the British intelligence service covering the Adriatic (Albania and Yugoslavia), testified that even his department did not know about the operation. But the department had an order for the agents to keep an eye out, because their help could be requested".

The double spy, Kim Philby

However, things went awry and in 1950 this operation failed. Another attempt would fail in 1952. The man who betrayed the operation was within the British secret service (MI6). His name was Kim Philby. In Albania, the saboteurs were caught and publicly tried as enemies of the people. Since the operation was secret, the world thought these cases were fabricated. This failure would later be known as the Great Betrayal.

Meanwhile, the anti-Yugoslav resistance continues in Kosovo. In 1949, the organization of the Albanian League of Prizren was formed. But, without being well consolidated, it was disbanded in 1950 and a trial against several arrested members was held on July 24, 25 and 26. How cruel Tito's regime was in Kosovo is proven by the fact that one of the convicts was the farmer Shaban Mazreku, from Sopini i Suhareka, who was sentenced to 101 years in prison.

When it comes to Tito, in 1950 he visited Kosovo for the first time.

In 1950, the well-known actor and theater director Agim Qirjaqi was born; the director of the film, Kujtim Çashku; the prominent Canadian albanologist, Robert Elsie; one of the most popular cartoonists in Kosovo, Agim Qena; as well as the well-known researcher - professor and academician Sabri Hamiti.

The old bazaar of Pristina

The events that marked the world in 1950 are: the People's Republic of China is recognized as a major power; The US develops the hydrogen bomb; the Stasi secret service is formed in East Germany... But two events are most important: on May 5, 1950, the French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, called on France, Germany and other European countries to unite their coal production and steel. This initiative, which will be known as the Schuman Declaration, leads to the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which was the first supranational European institution that will pave the way for the formation of what will later be known as the European Union. Meanwhile, on July 25, 1950, the Korean War began. It will last three years and one month and two days and will leave nearly one million dead and injured (as well as nearly 400 thousand missing). Also, Korea will be divided into two countries: Communist North Korea and Democratic South Korea. Even 70 years later, the country remains divided into two hostile parts.

Singers Billy Ocean, Peter Gabriel, Stevie Wonder and Tom Petty were born in 1950; actors Bill Murray and Ed Harris; the politician Janez Drnovsek who was the chairman of the Presidency of Yugoslavia, as well as prime minister and president of Slovenia; billionaire Richard Branson; architect Zaha Hadid… and, one of the founders of the Apple company – the designer of the Apple I and Apple II computers that would change the world forever – Steve Wozniak.

Scenes from the Korean War

In 1950 George Orwell died. It is good to say a few words about him because he is among the rare well-known names of his time who justified the epithet of intellectual. He fought for what he believed in. It can even be considered utopian, since, as Paul Johnson wrote in "Intellectuals", "believed since childhood that the world could be changed with the power of the intellect". As a socialist-utopian (belonging to the upper middle class), he wanted to get to know the working class closely, whose fate he was concerned about. He worked as a dishwasher, lived with the homeless, worked as a laborer and lived next to poor families in an industrial town. Even when the Civil War broke out in Spain in 1936, he did not give moral support like other intellectuals, but went where he needed to - to fight for the justice that they said was being violated. Thus, he wanted to get rid not only of capitalism, but also of every form of rule of man over man.

"I wanted to go down among the oppressed, touch the bottom, be one of them, line up alongside them and against the tyrants". said Orwell. As a sincere intellectual that he was, he believed that the world would succeed in transforming into a good socialist society, but he did not believe in the communist dogma represented by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) – totalitarianism and centralized economy. Thus, from a great anti-capitalist, after the disappointments he experienced in Spain - where he and his wife joined the republican party (which fought the fascist regime of Francisco Franco) - he became an anti-communist and the biggest critic of the lies of Russian communism, of the dictatorship, of the cult of personality, the restriction of freedom and the control of the mind by the propaganda of this system. He presents these attitudes in two of the greatest works of the second half of the 20th century: "Animal Farm" and "1984".

George Orwell


For you… China!

The year 1960 is characterized by the collapse of the foundations of Russian-Albanian "love" and the birth of a new Albanian-Chinese "love". The reason for the breakdown of these relations was the denunciation of Joseph Stalin's policy by Nikita Khrushchev and the latter's establishment of relations with Josip Broz Tito's Yugoslavia.

With the death of Stalin, in many countries of the Socialist Bloc there were overthrows of the Stalinist powers, installing those who supported the new, more liberal Soviet spirit - such as Wladyslaw Gomulka in Poland, Janos Kadar in Hungary, Todor Zhivkov in Bulgaria, etc. There were also eliminations and this scared Enver. And, one of those who wanted the overthrow of Enver was Khrushchev's new friend - Tito.

Socialist realist painting depicting Enver Hoxha giving a speech in Moscow

In November 1960, a meeting of 81 communist parties was organized in Moscow. The first speech, on November 10, was delivered by the Soviet leader, Khrushchev. After him, the leaders of other countries, who supported the new policies of the USSR, took the floor. On the same day, the delegation of the Communist Party of the USSR and the Labor Party of Albania (PPSh) met. In that meeting, from the Soviet side took part: Anastas Mikoyan, Frol Kozlov, Mikhail Suslov, Pyotr Pospelov and Yuri Andropov. The Albanian delegation was headed by Enver Hoxha. Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo and Ramiz Alia were also present. In this meeting, the divergences in Albanian-Soviet relations were openly displayed. While, for the first time, there was also talk about the Vlora military base, as well as about the possibility of Albania leaving the Warsaw Pact. In this tense meeting, Mehmet Shehu says, among other things: "Shame on you, Comrade Kozllov, for allowing yourself to give Albania ultimatums: With us, or with China!".

On November 12, a meeting took place between Enver Hoxha and Khrushchev, to align their positions, but in vain. Because, Enver Hoxha's speech, on June 16, which lasted no less than two hours, turned everything upside down.

Yet another painting, which presents Enver's confrontation with the revisionists in Moscow

"It was very cold in Moscow then. And that speech seemed to drop the temperatures many degrees below zero. As if a bomb went off in the Georgievskaya Hall. Those who had given names to speak, withdrew and asked for time to repair their speeches in the context that had been created…”, said the translator Myfit Mushi.

The next day, Khrushchev again delivered a derogatory speech against the Albanian Labor Party and Enver Hoxha.

"Khrushchev said: 'Do you know, comrades, what Enver Hoxha has done in this hall? Leave us all with shit! I was late in the translation, but Enver told me: 'Keep translating'. And I said to him: 'He said that yesterday Comrade Enver smeared us all'! Enver just shook his head, as if to say: Everything is expected from him now...", says Mushi.

Khrushchev had declared in 1956 that he would make Albania "a jewel that would seduce the Muslim world". Enver liked this phrase, because "the example of Albania would help the countries of the Muslim world to see that Marxism-Leninism was the shining beacon of the prosperous and free life of the peoples"! But, after the breakdown of relations with the USSR, it was said that Khrushchev wanted to make Albania "like banana colonies".

Regarding the clashes in Moscow, it is said that Khrushchev threatens Enver and that the latter retaliates: "You have nothing to do with us, we are 802 million" (two million Albanians and 800 million Chinese)!

After the breakdown of relations with the USSR, Albania began to be more active in the Kosovo issue, infiltrating and often confusing the various illegal organizations operating in Kosovo and in the diaspora.

Born in 1960: the legend of Albanian football, Fadil Vokrri, the researcher Daut Dauti, as well as the master of speech, the poet Xhevdet Bajraj.

Enver Hoxha and Mao Ce Duni are like bread from one dough

In 1960, the following countries gain independence: Cameroon, Togo, Madagascar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Chad, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Senegal, Mali, Nigeria and Mauritania. On May 23, the Israelis admit that they have arrested, in Argentina, the Nazi Adolf Eichmann. The film "Ben-Hur" breaks the previous record for Oscar awards, while the legendary group The Beatles starts their career in Hamburg, Germany.

On January 4, 1960, at the age of 46, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Albert Camus, died in a traffic accident. 60 years after his death, Italian Giovanni Catelli says he was killed by KGB spies in retaliation for his anti-Soviet rhetoric. In the work "Death of Camus", Catelli reveals details in the diary of the famous Czech poet and translator, Jan Zabrana.

"He said that the KGB agents caused the damage to the car, which at high speed became fatal. The order is said to have been given by Dmitri Shepilov, Soviet Minister of Internal Affairs, in response to an article Camus wrote in 1957 in the newspaper 'Franc-Tireur' in March 1957.", he says.

As is well known, Camus had supported the Hungarian uprising of autumn 1956 and was critical of the Soviet response. He also wrote well about Boris Pasternak who was seen as anti-Soviet.

Albert Camus

On August 6, 1960, as a response to the US embargo, Fidel Castro nationalized the properties of Americans. And, when we are talking about the Cuban revolution, it must be said that on March 5, 1960, Alberto Korda takes one of the most famous photos in the world - that of the revolutionary Che Guevara. The original photo shows Guevara between a man and a palm tree. It is set to quickly become one of the world's most commercial images. This photo made the Argentine revolutionary the idol of youth and youth rebellion, everywhere in the world; made it a symbol of the fight for justice and equality. But the truth is that Che was ruthless, or as some scholars call him: a signer of death certificates.

Famous rock musicians were born in 1960: Michael Stipe, Michael Hutchence, Adam Clayton and Bono; as well as, actors: Antonio Banderas, Sean Penn, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Tilda Swinton and Kenneth Branagh. Meanwhile, the famous actor, Clark Gable, dies.

Alberto Korda and his iconic photograph


Propaganda poster produced in China, with this content: Long live the eternal and unbreakable friendship of the peoples of China and Albania!

The world was flying. The moon was conquered. Man finally managed to answer all the dilemmas about the Moon: There is nothing interesting on the Moon and the Earth is much smaller than we thought.

In Kosovo, the lucky few who had a TV were amazed by human achievements and shared this experience visually and verbally with others. However, the most frequent reaction was: don't talk out of context!

The moon was conquered and the myth of glows in the dark no longer preoccupied people. However, the sensation seekers planted new dilemmas: the Americans did not go to the moon, this is part of the anti-Soviet-communist propaganda!

Prishtina in 1970

Man thinks everything?! But one thing was true: the normal world wanted to destroy Russian communism, "the bastard child of Karl Marx and Catherine the Great", as the English politician Clement Attlee called it. Whereas, we Albanians, from there and across the border, lived in illusions, in false stories about equal rights, about society without classes, brotherhood-unity, partisan stories, heroism in movies "Battle of Neretva", "Sutjeska", "Valley of riflemen" apo "Eighth in bronze", and the determination to follow the path of Comrade Tito (or Enver Hoxha).

The world was flying and we didn't know if we were on earth or in the sky...

The first Jumbo Jet flew from New York to London; four students at Kent State University in Ohio were killed by the National Guard during demonstrations against the war in Vietnam; the British army first used rubber bullets in Belfast; Charles de Gaulle, the man who survived the greatest number of assassinations, died; The English Liberal Gay Front held its first public demonstration; The BBC broadcast an English language program in which Sandra Freeman did a striptease while her gestures were commented on and written on a board.

Go and don't learn English?!

These were some of the most important events in the world at that time.

Dervish Rozhaya

Whereas, in Kosovo, the year was marked by the opening of the University. "... Great political capital and extraordinary political weapon in the war against all anti-communist and hostile elements", this is how the law for the establishment of the University was defined 50 years ago. It is difficult to understand what this word meant. But one thing is known: the University opened its eyes to Kosovo.

The key issues that preoccupied the students at that time were: the material, ideological-political issue and university reform. What is the truth, these issues still preoccupy our students today!

In the solemn Assembly, on the occasion of the establishment of the University of Pristina, the first rector of the University of Pristina, Dervish Rozhaja, said, among other things: "The establishment of the University of Pristina is a historic event and is a qualitative step forward in the further and comprehensive progress of society. The strong development of science brings corresponding changes in its conception and position in society. Instead of science, as an activity separated from life, today we have its penetration into all pores of life. Instead of science, which is dealt with by a limited number of personalities, scientific work is spreading more and more as a social activity. Two comparative, simultaneous and converging processes are now taking place; society is increasingly adopting science as a capital factor of development and progress, and science is increasingly passing into the hands of society. The demands of society and the changes in the character of scientific activity, determined that it is no longer a social privilege, but a necessary expression of society. "University education is being done to raise the quality of the scientific teaching process with a system."

Ibrahim Berisha, in his book "Death of the Colony", said that after the demonstrations of 1981, "The University of Pristina, by the political and state bodies of the former Yugoslavia, began to be treated as an institution that produces instability and hostility towards the communist state". This fact is also proven by this statement of the Serbs, after the opening of the University: "We took the weapons from the Albanians, but we gave them the cannons".

Ferizaj in 1970

Kosovo at that time was also preoccupied with the emancipation of women, while one of the current topics that used to be addressed at that time was: The Communist League and the politicization of young people! BECAUSE "in the past year, the young people of Kosovo have achieved great success in many fields, in solving issues of general social interest".

What speech?!

At that time, a "paradox" also happened. At the "Hysni Zajmi" normal school in Gjakova, Mileta Sekuliq, the Serbian teacher, dismissed Miftar Gashi and Musa Zeqiraj from the lesson. However, this caused major problems, because 13 other students also dropped out. Then the deputy director, the director, etc. are also implicated. etc. etc. and the problem becomes even bigger, pretty big. However, this was a time of fraternity and unity, and nothing should take on a political character. Therefore, students and teachers are reprimanded for lack of vigilance, for the negative contribution to the loss of lessons.

At the same time, in the Rio Muni jungle of Spanish Guinea, a miracle happened: A white gorilla was discovered. Meanwhile, in Kosovo, the possibility of opening a zoo in Pristina was discussed. At that time, the fashion of minidresses and even the possibility of applying sex education in our educational system were discussed.

Never mind?!

In 1970, several delegations of professors from the University of Pristina visited Tirana. If they participated in a symposium with the Chinese, they were greeted by the hosts like this: "We greet the Chinese brothers and Kosovar friends".

Postage stamp of 1970 with a view of Peja

The most popular movies in the normal world were: "Five Easy Pieces", "MASH", "Patton: Lust For Glory", "Women in Love". The rest of the abnormal world, and with it Kosovo too, preferred movies more... so German partisan. In 1970, the film was premiered "The Adventurers", when the main role was played by Bekim Fehmiu. Meanwhile, Kosovafilm makes these two films: "Requiem for tomorrow" and "First love". The last two films were not directed by Albanians, nor were most of the actors Albanian. When it comes to film, two of the best directors of the XXI century were born in 1970: Paul Thomas Anderson and Christopher Nolan. And, the master of photography, Besnik Hamiti.

The world shook with Simon & Garfunkel, Frank Zappa, Mungo Jerry, Marvin Gay, John Lennon, Led Zeppelin, Credence Clearwater Revival, Carole King, Pink Floyd and more. Whereas, in Kosovo, the following were mostly heard: Luan Hajra, Shahindere Bërlajolli, Liliana Çavolli, Ismet Peja, Sadete Musliu, Sabri Fejzullahu, Shyqrije Spahiu, Idriz Dhomi, Belkize Tuli, Shaban Gjekaj, etc.

The communist world was celebrating the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth and the rest the 25th anniversary of the UN. Meanwhile, Willi Brandt starts the "new eastern policy", or Ostpolitik, for the normalization of the relations of the Federal Republic of Germany (western) with eastern Europe - in particular with the Democratic Republic of Germany (communist).

The Chairman of the Presidium of the People's Assembly of Albania, in 1970, was Haxhi Lleshi and Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu. In September, parliamentary elections are held in Albania with 100 percent voter turnout. And, all these voters voted for the Democratic Front as the only party.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, or the head of the Executive Council, in 1970 was Fadil Hoxha.

Dhimtër Berati at the Peace Conference in Paris (1919) together with Monsignor Luigj Bumçin and Father Gjergj Fishta

In 1970, Nobel laureates Max Born and Otto Heinrich Warburg died; philosopher Bertrand Russell; as well as rockers Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. Dhimitër Berati, signatory of the Declaration of Independence of Albania, also died in 1970. Likewise, the intellectual, the patriot, the outstanding activist of Albanian women's education, the participant of the Monastery Congress, the author of the first Albanian Primer with the alphabet of the Monastery and its anthem... Parashqevi Qiriazi, passed away. In 1960, she and her sister Sevasti were decorated with the "Order of Freedom", and in 1962 with the "Order for Patriotic Activity".

How cruel Enver Hoxha's communist regime was, her fate and especially that of her sister Sevasti proves this. This is how researcher Niko Kotherja describes it, in a few words.

"On August 30, 1949, in a traditional Tirana residence, the pioneer of Albanian national education for women, Sevasti Qiriazi Dako, breathed her last.

Her 70-year-old life went through countless, different vicissitudes, risking her life and family for the Albanian school, as well as for the national issue.

From 1941, disasters would begin in her family. That year her husband, the prominent patriot Kristo Dako, died. Embalmed by his son, Gjergji, Dako's body was placed in the family cemetery in Kamze.

After two years, in 1943, the whole family was exiled to Zemu in Serbia, where a miracle prevented this family from dying out. Exhausted, Sevastia with her sister Parashqevi, two sons Gjergj and Skender, and their two daughters-in-law with their children, return to Tirana in 1945. Everything was confiscated. The house and the school in Kamze were no longer theirs.

The desecration that began to overwhelm the veteran teacher was macabre. The students of the Party Course who had usurped their buildings, broke the glass tomb of Kristo Dako, pulled out his head and played football with him...! The first Albanian teachers were given a favor if they wanted to live in the chicken coop of their house. After painting it with white lime, like their heart, for a while the veterans lived there until they were kicked out from there too. Left on the streets, they found support and shelter in the former cook of the 'Kyrias Institute', Rukije Tafaj.

The last poison he took from this life was the hanging in the cell of his son, Gjergji, the surgeon who had been accused of espionage and was imprisoned. Sevastia could not even drag her son's body, as it was destroyed by the tractor that tilled the land.

In a state of mourning, Sevasti Qiriazi Dako closed his eyes in the house of Rukije Tafaj. As an 'enemy', he was escorted to the last apartment by only four women, Parashqevia, the daughters-in-law of the two sons, the former cook Tafaj and two gravediggers".

Parashqevi and Sevasti Qiriazi


Margaret Thatcher, tribute to Tito

What are the events that marked Albanians and the world in 1980?

This was the year of Kosovo's boxers. KB "Prishtina" - Xhevdet Peci, Sami Buzolli, Nazif Gashi, etc. are the four-time state champions.


Prishtina in 1980 (photo from the calendar of the Bank of Kosovo - Bankko)

The autonomy of 1974 was functioning in Kosovo, the University was working as it is best, Kosovo was developing new cadres, Kosovo was also developing economically, while our boxers beat all the boxers of Yugoslavia at that time. Everything seemed to be OK, that Kosovo is the "Garden of Eden". But this was not so. We were still living in illusions, unfortunately. At that time, articles were published about the suffering of blacks in America, while no one thought to understand that we are the blacks of Europe. However, the University was working, at least the students, who will later let us know that something is wrong!

View from Tito's funeral

The most important events noted at that time in the world are: Eight American commandos were killed in Iran after the failed action to free the 52 American hostages captured by the decision of Ayatollah Khomeini - five months ago; the specialized air unit made a successful attack on the occupied Iranian embassy - by terrorists in London; the Olympic Games are held in Moscow, but the USA, West Germany and Japan boycotted them protesting the invasion of the USSR in Afghanistan; Ronald Reagan is appointed president of America. Meanwhile, in the Balkans, in a part of it, this will be the saddest year in recent decades: Marshal Josip Broz Tito, the lifelong president of the former Yugoslavia, died. Tito's burial is said to have been graceful, as the greatest people of that time were present. This burial is said not to have been done to anyone else. So, it was one of the most televised events in the world.

Peja in 1980 (photo from the calendar of the Bank of Kosovo - Bankko)

Tito died, regardless of the pathetic headlines in the then Albanian-language newspapers and magazines in Kosovo: "Why doesn't his heart beat anymore? Yes, it has stopped beating, but only in His body. It beats even more in our hearts, because it is the heart of our hearts", "There is only one Tito, we are all Tito" ... Regardless of the fact that people were waiting in huge queues in front of the "Boro e Ramizi" Youth Palace - not to vote, but to sign the Book of Mourning, to honor Tito's work; regardless of the fact that elementary school students still gave the "pioneer's word of honor" and that they were waiting for the Relay of Youth to pass through their town, while the old people swore for "determination in the path of Tito"... Tito died, there is no dilemma here, but it will take another decade, another decade of suffering and monotony, to understand that the state, its creature, the false stories about fraternity-union have also died.

When Tito died, a sports journalist at RTP put on this barsolet: "Kardeli died, Tito died, and I'm not very well." In fact, this is a revised quote from Woody Allen who first said: "God died, Marx died... but even I don't feel so well today."

Prizren in 1980 (photo from the calendar of the Bank of Kosovo - Bankko)

What preoccupied the students of Kosovo at that time were the textbooks and postgraduate studies. A big problem was the extremely large number of students in the Faculty of Medicine, Economics and Law. This problem still preoccupies Kosovars today. At that time there was still talk about the emancipation of women. Of course, for her rights and equal treatment in society.

Interestingly, it seems this topic will follow the Albanians all their lives.

The most popular films in the world were: "Heaven's Gate", "Raging Bull", "Ordinary People", "Coal Miner's Daughter" etc. Television projects and films were watched in Kosovo: "Three people cross the mountain", "Seed", "White Footprints", "Era and Lisi"...

The year 1980 was the beginning of the end of Yugoslavia and the time of calendars with photos from grape harvest shares.

Ferizaj in 1980 (photo from the calendar of the Bank of Kosovo - Bankko)

The world danced to the rhythm of The Police, The Jam, Joy Division, Adam & The Ants, Rod Stewart, Blondie, Kate Bush, etc. While we listened to Irfan Blakçor, Arian Kerliu, Gazmend Pallaska, Bedri Islami, Valentina Sarakini, Hilmi Obërtinca, Shaban Kelmendi, etc.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the People's Assembly of Albania was Haxhi Lleshi and Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu, who will soon suffer like many of his victims. This same year, Enver Hoxha appoints Ramiz Ali as the future leader of the Labor Party of Albania. In 1980, Bahri Oruçi's place as chairman of the Executive Council of Kosovo was taken by Riza Sapunxhiu.

Gjilani in 1980 (photo from the calendar of the Bank of Kosovo - Bankko)

Magazine reporter "National Geographic", Mehmet Biber, makes a report from Albania in 1980, with the title: "Albania, alone against the world". At the beginning of his writing, he says: "Without allies and surrounded by nations that have had historical goals towards its land, Albania is mobilized to go it alone under the strict dictatorship of Enver Hoxha who has held power for 36 years. The symbols of the pickaxe and the rifle dominate public scenes. A dogmatic Marxist-Leninist, Hoxha severed relations with the Soviet Union, which he considers 'revisionist', in 1961, and severed ties with the People's Republic of China two years ago.

He says that Enver had announced his country "closed to enemies, spies, hippies and hooligans, but open to friends (Marxist or non-Marxist), revolutionaries and progressive democrats, to honest tourists... who do not interfere in our affairs".

An umbrella is enough for Albanians...

"Albania bans entry to men with long hair or beards, and women in short skirts, baggy pants, and other displays of bourgeois decadence. Stories abound of hapless visitors being sent to the airport barber for a haircut... Albania does not allow private cars and its capital has only 20 taxis, all state-owned. Most were lined up near the square. Albanians rarely use them".

At that time, the country was covered with banners. P. sh. a banner in "Skenderbej" square said: "Without any aid and without any credit from outside, we must rely entirely on our own forces." On the old town hall: "To break the blockade and siege of imperialism and revisionism". Above the office of the Prime Minister: "Long live popular power". A foreign language class studies Hoxha's slogan on the blackboard in English: "To build socialism with a pickaxe in one hand and a rifle in the other".

One of the slogans of Albania in 1980

"Marxism-Leninism is the basic subject in all faculties, which leads to the 'ideological formation' of students. Core courses include the history of the Albanian Labor Party, the economic policies of capitalism and socialism, dialectical materialism, 'revisionist' philosophy – and of course, the works of Enver Hoxha... In Tirana a guy can take his girlfriend to a park, weather permitting , or to watch a film on a favorite topic, the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War... Albania's 'Cultural Revolution' sets the rules for youth behavior and appearance. Not only long hair and miniskirts, but also jeans, tight pants and make-up are taboo. No drugs, premarital sex, vulgar jokes or chewing gum. Rock music and fast-paced jazz are frowned upon... In addition to two years of military service for young men and women, all able-bodied citizens, regardless of occupation, must serve a month or more in the armed forces. armed. Frequent military exercises in all factories, farms, and offices prepare the people against attacks... Everywhere I traveled - on the coast, on mountain paths, in fields, in city parks, between apartment blocks - I saw bunkers, their popular name. They look - and come out - like mushrooms...Albania's armaments, mostly made in China...Other communist countries keep religion under control; Albania stops it by declaring itself 'the first atheist state in the world' in 1967. All 2,169 mosques, churches, monasteries and other places of 'obscurantism and mysticism' have been closed, demolished or converted into recreation centers, clinics, warehouses or stables. Shkodra's great cathedral resounds with the screams of 2,000 basketball fans... Albania's new generation knows only atheism. Marxist-Leninist belief replaces religious belief. Enver Hoxha's books, published piecemeal in newspapers, quoted on the radio, the selected slogans serve as a New Testament. Hoxha is seen as a middle man - infinitely wise, far-sighted and benevolent, but also relentless towards his enemies".

Well, this was Albania in 1980.

Lech Walesa, the man who turned Communism upside down

In 1980, Israel and Egypt establish diplomatic relations, Lech Walesa organizes the first Solidarity strike in Gdansk and forces the state to recognize this labor movement, while one of the most famous "toys" of all time - the Rubik's Cube - appears on the market. In 1980, the actors Steve McQueen and Mae West, the director Alfred Hitchcock, and the overthrown ruler of Iran, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, die. On December 8, 1980, one of the biggest icons of rock music, John Lennon, was killed by a fan. From that moment, as Paul McCartney said, "he became Martin Luther Lennon", a saint with whom peace and equality were identified. In fact he was violent, he hurt others, he was a drug user and a millionaire who did not mix with the middle class and the poor. But, as David Quantick says, Lennon was a self-mythologist, self-obsessed, who over time had mythologized himself.

In 1980, the first singer of the AC/DC group, Bon Scott, died.

Fans mourning John Lennon's murder


The special unit of the Serbian militia, in a 1990 demonstration in Podujevo

"We were deceived by the fear that communism will one day take over the world, due to the fact that anti-communism had already done this", said an American analyst, in the 60s of the XX century. 30 years after this statement, anti-communism definitely defeated communism and communism went where else but to SP

So the Cold War came to an end. And, this was expected to happen. Because, as PJ O'Rourke said, in the magazine "Rolling Stones": “… In the end we beat them with Levis 501 jeans. 72 years of communist indoctrination and propaganda drowned out by the Sony Walkman. A great totalitarian system… has bowed, because no one wanted to wear Bulgarian shoes…”.

So McDonald's, Levis 501, Adidas, Rock'n'Rolli and Coca Cola destroyed communism. All these things that showed the world how bad communism is, that there one cannot be stronger, wiser, happy and equal - no, without eating McDonalds and drinking Coca Cola"

Kosovo Albanians also make their own contribution to the destruction of communism. Let's not forget that the Kosovars were the first in the former Yugoslavia to hand over the red booklets of the Communist League. Eh, for 1990 that was a pretty big deal!

Membership booklet in the Communist League of Yugoslavia

In 1990, Nelson Mandela is released from prison; Martina Navratilova wins the Wimbledon Cup for the ninth time; West Germany won the World Cup in football by defeating, in the final, the Argentine team; Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait; Margaret Thatcher resigns as British Prime Minister and is replaced by a curmudgeon named John Major; Jean-Bertrand Aristide is Haiti's first democratically appointed president; while on a train traveling between Manchester and London, Joanne Rowling was inspired for the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (published in 1997)... and, on October 3, 1990, the process of unification of West and East Germany ends. For this reunion, in United Berlin, the former member of the Pink Floyd group, Roger Waters, on July 21, 1990, had given the magnificent concert of the 1979 project - "The Wall". 350 thousand tickets were sold for this concert; 100 people were let in for free. This concert broke the record for ticket sales... But a big, very big event happened in 1990: Tim Berners-Lee gave the proposal for the WWW (World Wide Web). The world will never be the same again.

View from the concert "The Wall 0 Live in Berlin"

While the world was returning to normal, Kosovo was in the fever of war. This time more than before.

On July 2, 1990, the delegates of the Assembly of the Autonomous Socialist Province of Kosovo, forbidden to enter the official building, unfolded the Declaration of Independence in front of its doors, declaring Kosovo a republic of the Yugoslav Federation. After this decision, Serbia suppresses the Assembly of Kosovo. On September 7 of the same year, the same delegates of the Assembly of Kosovo approve the new Constitution known as the Kaçanik Constitution. Unable to exercise effective power and persecuted by Serbian forces, the Government of Kosovo retreated into exile - in Germany. In 1990, Pristina's Rilindja and Radiotelevision are closed and almost all Kosovo Albanian workers are fired. Survival in Kosovo depends almost entirely on emigration.

Kosovo is declared a republic...

In Mostar, UJD (Association for the Yugoslav Democratic Initiative), organizes the table: "Kosova, let's try again, with democracy". The table, it is implied, fails.

The attacks on the University and the Albanian school become even harsher.

"We have never had more close jobs", was the most frequent comment at the time. And, it was so, because in the spring, the students of Kosovo are poisoned and this is confirmed by a large number of international experts, among them the second chief administrator of Kosovo (after liberation in 1999), Bernard Kouchner. Serbian propaganda about the poisoned said that "they are acting". However, another French doctor, Bernard Benedetti, testified that there were poisonings in Kosovo and that he discovered organochlorine molecules. Since the poison was military, direct hints were that the poisoning was organized by Belgrade.

Demonstrations erupt all over Kosovo. Everywhere two fingers raised up. In February, the student Ylfete Humolli is killed. In these demonstrations, 32 young people are killed, hundreds are injured and thousands end up in prisons and police stations. In February, in Brussels, in an assassination commissioned by the UDB, activist Enver Hadri was killed. He had with him the list of 32 Albanians killed in Kosovo, which he would hand over to the Human Rights Commission of the European Parliament.

In March, RTP's director who broke the censorship, Agim Mala, was invited to a roundtable in Novi Sad to discuss the democratic processes sweeping Eastern Europe. In that meeting, an Albanian functionary who was a participant at that table - who identified with Slobodan Milosevic's politics in Kosovo - informed him that his boss had asked to meet him.

Democracy was delayed in Kosovo

"'I have information that you and your television have a great influence on the people there. Convince your Albanians not to die in vain, because Serbia does not give Kosovo'! That's how he starts the conversation. At that time, I had a calmness and patience from God, which helped me in the most difficult situations. I laughed. It was clear to me that there is no politics there and any political argument is useless: 'Who wants Kosovo'?! - I ask. Does anyone want to carry him across the Bosphorus?! Kosovo is sought by the people who live there, and they seek nothing more than to live equally with others!' 'No'! - he says sharply. "Albanian irredentists are looking for Kosovo to join Albania". This was the thesis of Serbian nationalism, since 1981, to have a pretext to punish an entire people. With this thesis, about half a million Albanians were imprisoned or treated by the police during the eighties. It was futile to try to explain that the Albanians are not so politically backward as to believe that under these circumstances they can change borders in the Balkans... There was no dialogue about the concrete political postulates with which Serbia was subjugating Kosovo and violated the Albanians. I try to bring the conversation to another level: 'Do you know Albanians'? - I ask him. 'Have you ever faced any Albanians, apart from politicians'? 'Yes'! - he says. "In high school in Valevë, there was an Albanian pie maker, who, when I had no money, gave me pies for free!". I didn't know if he was being ironic or if he was confused. 'Yes, you can't know Albanians through a pie. You've probably read Mark Milani...'. He was not a man of reading, nor did he want to know Albanians. He returns to the beginning of the conversation, that Albanians should not die in vain, and mentions 28 victims of the demonstrations of that spring. 'Thirty-two have been killed!' - I tell him. '3.200 had to be killed, 32.000, 320.000, because Serbia does not give Kosovo'! He added zeros to the number of Albanians he wanted to kill, as if he were talking about chicks in the incubator. The end of this Orwellian conversation comes with his threats, which he almost said more to himself, than for me to hear: 'If that's the case, then there will be a war...'! The slogan 'There will be a war...', he would repeat this at the end of that conversation, which had clearly made him nervous, certainly more than ten times", wrote Agim Mala, about this meeting.

The iconic picture of Hazir Reka

In 1990, journalists "Voices of Youth" journalists of the year are announced. Journalists are arrested (Blerim Shala and Halil Matoshi). Because of journalists and brave journalism, "Voice of Youth" (as well as "Mladina" of Slovenia) was a "hostile" newspaper and it was punished for this. Her exit was always in question.

In August 1990, the photojournalist i "Voices of Youth", Hazir Reka, makes a unique photo. As the Albanians gathered near the "Grand" hotel in Pristina, eagerly awaiting the six-member American delegation headed by Senator Bob Dole, they were attacked by the Serbian Militia (this year, the first serious resolutions for Kosovo were adopted in the USA). But, as everyone fled, Faik Rexhepi sat cross-legged, at the beginning of the road that used to be called Korzo. This image will be published in many newspapers and world television.

The Albanian team meeting the American delegation was led by Ibrahim Rugova, who had already taken the helm of the Albanian resistance in Kosovo.

In February 1990, the reconciliation of the bloods in Kosovo began, to which Anton Çetta was born. The largest gathering was held in Verrat e Llukë, on May 1, 1990, where nearly 500 Albanians were present.

In Kosovo, more than 1000 bloods are reconciled. So, everyone is waiting for the outbreak of war in Kosovo.

In 1990, new political parties were formed, not only in Kosovo. P. sh. The Party for Democratic Prosperity was formed on April 16, 1990, in Xhepçisht of Tetovo. Nevzat Halili was elected chairman. This party was legalized when the Law on political parties came out, in which case it was registered as the first Albanian party in Macedonia (May 25, 1990).

Gathering of the Wines of Lluka

The most popular films in the world were: "Cyrano de Bergerac", "Dances with Wolfes", "Goodfellas", "Wild at Heart", "Reversal of Fortune", "Misery" etc. Meanwhile, Kosovo enjoyed watching its latest nebulous film project - "Guardians of the Mist".

The world "cries" after the songs of Sinead O'connor, Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Michael Bolton, Bangles, Happy Mondays, Simply Red, Maddona, Stone Roses, Guns'n'Roses, George Michael, etc. Whereas, Kosovars after 403, Dardan Shkreli, Babylon, Birth, The Beginning of the End, Aida Barak, Armend Rexhepagić, Toska Dočić, "Minator", "Selection 039", "TNT", Pse, Weight of Fate , Arka, A, White Nights, etc. This year, the so-called "golden years of Kosovar rock" are coming to an end. Kosovars turn to metal music, and later to rap music.

In 1990, with an unrelated infantile song, "Irida" wins the first place in the last Chords of Kosovo, while Armend Rexhepagiqi is the last Kosovar in the last "Jugovision" of the last Yugoslavia... Armend's fifth place was success the biggest that Kosovars have ever achieved at this festival.

July 1990: Albanians flood the German Embassy in Tirana

In 1990, the chairman of the Presidium of the People's Assembly of Albania, Ramiz Alia, declared his readiness to establish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In May, the UN secretary, Javier Perez de Cuellar, visits Albania. This visit is also covered by RTP (journalist Llukman Halili). Changes in the communist bloc of Europe force the regime to take measures in favor of human rights. At the Thirteenth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the communist government authorized a multi-party system. After this decision, on December 12, the first opposition party, the Democratic Party of Albania, was created. Sali Berisha, Azem Hajdari, Gramoz Pashko, Arben Imami, Aleksandër Meksi, Eduard Selami, etc. were its founders.

The year 1990 is the year when Albanians en masse teach the embassies of the West in Tirana. In October, Albania's most famous writer, Ismail Kadare, leaves.

As Poland in January 1990 was the first communist state to overthrow the socialist economy and the Communist League of Yugoslavia voted to dissolve itself; as the disintegration of the USSR ends in 1991, the Albanian communist power falls to the parliamentary elections of March 22, 1992.

Finally, it should be mentioned that for the Kosovo Albanians who were pro-Miloshević, the Serbs invented the term "honest Albanians". The most "honest" of them was Rrahman Morina. He was the main person in the politics of Kosovo, since the suppression of autonomy in 1990. He rose to power with the help of Milosevic (in a state of emergency). For the Albanians of Kosovo even today it is synonymous with national betrayal... Well, this infamous person dies on October 12, 1990, in the constitutive session of the so-called Provincial Council of the Socialist Party of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija. It is said that he died of a heart attack. "It went as it was", was the reaction of the "dishonest Albanians"!

In 1990, legendary Hollywood actresses died: Barbara Stanwyck, Ava Gardner and Greta Garbo.

And… died!


George W. Bush, the 43rd American president

Kosovo was liberated, but the Albanians were point five. Thus, the Mission of the United Nations Organization (UNMIK), which administered Kosovo - led by the Frenchman Bernard Kouchner - had to deal with the creation of unity among the Albanians. Thus, in 2000, the Temporary Administrative Council (KPA) was formed, which would co-govern Kosovo together with the internationals, and in which all Albanian political groups and ethnic communities of Kosovo are represented. Among the parties included in this body was the United Democratic Movement of Rexhep Qosje, which will suffer a debacle in 2000. A member of this political entity was Hydajet Hyseni, who was previously a member of the LDK, and earlier a member of Marxist-Leninist organizations, and that will then pass to the Democratic Party of Kosovo and from there to the Vetevendosje Movement. This trend of multiple "crossings", to occupy a place and have an impact, will continue until today.

When it comes to political parties, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo was formed in 2000.

Demonstration in Mitrovica (February 2000)

In 2000, director Ferenc Moldovanyi made the documentary "Children: Kosovo 2000". In relation to this documentary, it is said, among other things: "The Albanian children of Mitrovica show in front of the cameras the deep pain they have experienced in their short lives. Their parents were tortured, humiliated and killed. Sometimes, the children had to bury their parents alone". In the city where Moldovanyi stayed, i.e. in Mitrovica, riots broke out in February of the same year. In the north, the Serbs kill eight Albanians, adding to the cleansing of this part of the divided city. For this reason, there is criticism of French KFOR soldiers, not only from Albanians, because they did not intervene to restore order and protect civilians. There are also incidents in other parts of Kosovo, while in the Presheva Valley there are increasing fights between the forces of the Liberation Army of Presheva, Medveja and Bujanovac (UÇPMB) and the Serbian forces. Between June 21, 1999 and November 12, 2000, 294 armed confrontations were recorded.

Photo by Paolo Pellegrini: KFOR checkpoint in southern Mitrovica

On October 28, 2000, the first local elections were held in free Kosovo. Most of the municipalities are won by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). Journalists and observers from all over the world came to follow the election process. Kosovo was again in the headlines. We kind of missed it, as we were used to the top news charts. But, still no!

Apart from the problems with the Serbs, the political scene in Kosovo - as stated above - was polarized and there were also attacks which were labeled as politically motivated (let's not forget that in 2000 the assassination of Fetah Rudi, Adem Salihaj and Agim Veli, while Shaban Manaj and Xhemajl Mustafa are killed). Therefore, everyone expected excesses. But the elections were held well. In the end, it was said that the winner does not matter, because the winners are all of us... that is, Kosovo.

Even in America in 2000 the presidential elections were held. However, the president is barely appointed (George W. Bush, who will make Kosovo a state). Among the most frequent comments of that time was this one: "America should learn from the elections in Kosovo".

View from the release of the 2000 election results

In Kosovo, in 2000, new generations of policemen graduate. TMK is beginning to be regarded as the most reliable organization in Kosovo. Important world figures visit Kosovo, while administrator Kouchner leaves his post. In Kosovo, the roads begin to be repaired, mobile telephony is implemented, here and there a house is rebuilt, beauty contests are held, new television channels are opened, seminars are held, some investments are made in the economy, etc. The university is troubled by the problems of reforms, and the students are troubled by the elections for the president of the Independent Union (which will serve as a springboard for further political activity). The status of women and their emancipation is still a current topic. However, this time emancipation is seen with the inclusion of women in statistical figures...

In other words, things are starting to normalize. Maybe for the first time.

But many good things about the world were strange. Like elections, for example. Many people said that post-war Kosovo was more stable than Germany, England, France, etc. in 1946. But evil dominates the world of news. And, when it comes to the bad, in Kosovo in 2000 really inappropriate things happened, such as theft, prostitution and murder. Also, in 2000, a mass hysteria was created: many media reported that people are being kidnapped from the street, in broad daylight, especially children, and that their organs are being trafficked. In a conference, KFOR denied these news.

In 2000, Kosovo was plagued by an undefined status and a lack of travel documents. Simply, Kosovars were denied the right to travel. They had no proof that they are alive. Kosovo was like a ghetto.

Too bad... But the hope was great, as long as we no longer had Serbia around our necks.

Crows over Pristina (photo: Paolo Pellegrin, 2000)

The prime minister of Albania in 2000 was Ilir Meta (then of the Socialist Party), while the president was Rexhep Mejdani. Sali Berisha with 4000 protesters organizes anti-government demonstrations in Vlora. But, in vain, because the ruling party, the Socialist Party, on October 1 wins the majority of seats in the local elections, including Tirana.

The butcher of the Balkans, Slobodan Milosevic, kills his accomplices to protect his power (in January, one of the most notorious Serbian criminals, Zhelko Razhnatovic-Arkani, and in August, the man who helped him rise to power in the 1980s, Ivan Stambollic, is killed ). But Milosevic will fall from power in October. His place will be taken by another anti-Albanian, Vojislav Kostunica. Other events that marked the region and the world were, first of all, the fighting in Chechnya and Palestine; the victory of the anti-Serb Jorg Heider in Austria; elections almost in the entire Balkans; Nice Summit; the formation of new European forces, floods, numerous traffic accidents, irregular temperature, etc.

In 2000 die: the partisan and communist politician of Kosovo, Xhavit Nimani, as well as the chairman of the League of Arvanites, the historian and publicist Aristidh Kola. Also, in 2000, Hedy Lamarr dies - the beautiful actress of the European and American cinema who has made discoveries without which the modern age (the age of the Internet) cannot be thought of.

The world danced to the rhythm of the Spice Girls, Enrico Eglasias, N'SYNC, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Ricky Martin, Toni Braxton, Robbie Williams, etc. Whereas, Kosovo with the Rhythm of the Street, Beka, WNC, Eliza Hoxha, Adelina Ismaili, etc.

The most popular films in the world were: "American Beaty", "The Gladiator", "Mission Impossible II", "The Patriot", "Traffic", "The Beach" etc. And, in Kosovo: "Autumn of Roses", "House of Horrors" and of course "Mahmutovites and Rexhepovites I & II & III".

So tastes are changing, more and more… well no!

Hedy Lamarr


The visit to Pristina of the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton

After the declaration of independence of Kosovo on February 17, 2008, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Vuk Jeremic, on August 15 made a request to the United Nations Organization (UN), that the International Court of Justice should give its opinion on this declaration of independence. of Justice (GjND). On October 8, this request is supported by 77 UN member states. Six votes were against, while 74 were the number of abstentions.

The ICJ (based in The Hague), which represents the highest level court of the United Nations, on July 22, 2010 published its advisory opinion regarding the legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence. During his speech, the President of the Court, Hiasashi Ovada, said that the declaration of Kosovo's independence did not violate international law. With 10 votes in favor and four against, the GJND is of the opinion that Kosovo's declaration of independence has not violated either Resolution 1244 of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), nor the constitutional framework of the UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).

This was the event of the year for Kosovo. And, a big loss for Serbia.


Unfortunately, after the decision of the ICJ, the UN General Assembly, on September 9, 2010, approved the resolution sponsored by 27 countries of the European Union (EU) and Serbia, to start the Kosovo-Serbia technical dialogue with the mediation of the EU -'s. These negotiations start in March 2011, but have not yet been completed. Unfortunately, over the years the dialogue degenerates from technical to political.

Scene from the rendering of the decision of the CJND

After the request initiated on June 25, 2010, by the independent deputy Naim Rrustemi and 31 other deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo, three months later, on September 24, the Constitutional Court of Kosovo finds that the president of the Republic of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, violated the Constitution of Kosovo (Article 88.2). The violation concerns the simultaneous holding of the post of the president of the Republic and the chairman of the Democratic League of Kosovo. The decision was made by majority vote.

On September 27, Sejdiu resigns saying that "he was convinced that holding two positions did not represent a violation of the Constitution", but however he e "respects the decision of the Constitutional Court". A few days after his resignation, the Democratic League of Kosovo comes out with the decision to dissolve the coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo: "From Monday, October 18, 2010, LDK withdraws from the governing Coalition, namely from the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. LDK remains committed to being a powerful contributor in all important democratic and state processes in the interest of the country and all its citizens". it was said in the announcement, announcing that from October 18, the deputy prime minister, ministers and deputy ministers will hand over their duties from the government that had Hashim Thaçin as prime minister.

On November 2, the acting president of Kosovo, Jakup Krasniqi, dissolves the Assembly of Kosovo and announces early elections for December 12, 2010. This action comes after the vote of no confidence in the Government in the Assembly of Kosovo. Participation in these elections will be 45.29 percent. The Democratic Party of Kosovo wins 32.11 percent of the votes; The Democratic League of Kosovo won 24.69 percent of the votes, the Vetëvendosje Movement, which won for the first time in the elections - 12.69 percent, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo - 11.04 percent and the Coalition AKR-PD-PSD-PPI-PPK-PNDSH- PJK – 7.29 percent. These are the most discussed elections in independent Kosovo, since there was talk of "industrial theft of votes".

One of the most used photos to illustrate the elections in Kosovo

In 2010, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, visits the Balkans. After Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, on October 13 it arrives in Pristina decorated with state flags of Kosovo and the United States of America. She also paid a visit to the statue of her husband - the 42nd American president, Bill Clinton. As well as at the "Hillary" boutique located in the "Dardania" neighborhood of Pristina. “My husband still looks like he has brown hair when we got married and the statue reminds me of him. And, of course, I like the statue. No one should whitewash it, save this color", Secretary Clinton said. Of course, out of courtesy!

A few days later, the US State Department's website transcribed the US Secretary of State's speech to the staff of the United States Embassy in Pristina. Ambassador to Kosovo was Christopher Dell. In that speech, Clinton said, among other things: "We will work hard, resolutely, together with our EU partners, to support direct talks between Pristina and Belgrade, which will create the basis for new relations between Kosovo and Serbia. I am grateful for your long hours of work, in civil or military service, because you clearly show that America is the closest friend and ally of Kosovo and that we will continue to work for the recognition of Kosovo's independence... Kosovo is in the right path and the United States will do everything it can to remain your partner until you have secured a better future. Therefore, I am pleased to work with you who are here, with the government and the people of Kosovo, and I am absolutely convinced that we will see many positive changes in the coming years. Thank you very much."

Hillary Clinton in Pristina

In 2010, a mass cemetery was discovered in Raska, Serbia, with around 250 bodies of Kosovars killed during the last war in Kosovo. The Kosovar Commission suspected that there is another cemetery near the confirmed cemetery and that the number of people buried in these cemeteries could go up to 450. However, there were delays and obstacles in verifying these claims.

In 2010, the actors Agim Qirjaqi, Esma Agolli and the legend Bekim Fehmiu, the first actor of the Communist Bloc to break into Hollywood, died. Fehmiu, this great Albanian artist and patriot, aware of the degradation of his health, committed suicide. He requested that his body be burned and that the ashes be thrown in Lumbardh of Prizren. "The man sings after the war, I have stepped in blood up to my knees, and I no longer have dreams, my wife has been sold and my mother's hair has turned gray...", are some of the statements left as a testament, written in the farewell letter. The actor of dozens of roles stopped his career in 1987, as a result of Serbia's anti-Albanian policies. Asked what he achieved with this, in an interview for "Vreme" magazine in 2001, he said: "All those phone calls, from Trigllavi to Gjevgjeli, after the farewell interview in 'Politika', in April 1987; all those words of bravery, all those thanks—they meant nothing to me. Neither my premonition nor what I pointed out with Dushan Vasilev's poem 'Man sings after the war', where he says: 'I have stepped in blood up to my knees and I have no more dreams...' and ends 'Oh, give me only a handful of air and some white morning dew, the rest rest in your conscience…'. I have achieved nothing, an absolute zero in the apocalypse horseman atmosphere, going through great spiritual suffering. I have achieved isolation, loneliness, just like Stefan Cvajgu in 'Yesterday's World'". In another earlier interview, in 1993 - with the famous journalist Alberto Crespi - he said, among other things: "A few days ago I was in Kosovo to visit my relatives. The situation is absurd. It could explode at any moment. At any moment you are on the verge of slaughter. Albanians are treated like slaves, they are fired, they don't have anything to eat...". Bekim Fehmiu and Aleksandër Moisiu remain the greatest Albanian actors, to this day.

In 2010, poet Din Mehmeti, translators Pashk Gjeçi and Gjergj Zheji, as well as academician Jashar Rexhepagiqi died.

Bekim Fehmiu (2008 photo, taken by Fahredin Spahija)

Meanwhile, in May, the Socialist Party of Albania started protests against the Government, starting a hunger strike. In November, the European Union rejects Albania's request for EU candidate status, but visa liberalization is approved. The president of the country was Bamir Topi, while the prime minister was Sali Berisha.

Among the main events that marked the world are the following: On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake hits Haiti. It is said that the number of dead has reached 316 thousand. That year, WikiLeaks published 90 classified reports of US involvement in the War in Afghanistan, as well as 250 diplomatic cables – 100 of which were classified. In December 2010, changes begin in the Middle East, which will later be known as the Arab Spring. The first protests start in Tunisia after Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor, set himself on fire on December 17. This act was prompted after frequent concerns about his alleged lack of work permit. Since he couldn't bribe the policemen and after being badly insulted by a 45-year-old policewoman who slapped him, confiscated his electric scale, threw the things he was selling on the ground... and after his complaints to the Police fell on deaf ears, he doused himself in gasoline. Before burning himself, he shouted: "How can I earn a living"? The protests started a few hours later. The Arab Spring in Tunisia, or the Tunisian Revolution, lasted 28 days until the overthrow of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. But other countries, such as Libya, Syria and Yemen, did not go through so easily.

In 2010, famous actors die: Dennis Hopper, Leslie Nielsen and Tony Curtis. /Telegraph/

Tunisian protesters with slogans: "Ben Ali, the neck"

Year 2020: PANDEMIC

The vile virus

2020 was a boring, depressing and dangerous year. The headlines were about the SARS-CoV-2 virus that emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and spread worldwide, becoming the first pandemic in 100 years (after the Spanish Flu). This virus infected 84.1 million people globally, leaving 1.83 million dead.

The pandemic was the main news in Kosovo, in Albania and wherever Albanians live (the first cases in Kosovo were recorded on March 13). However, the year 2020 in Kosovo is characterized by the collapse of two governments. On February 3, 2020, after almost four months of negotiations between the Vetëvendosje Movement (VV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo with 66 votes in favor, zero against and 10 abstentions voted for the new government of Kosovo led by Albin Kurt. This coalition was called the "Coalition of Hope", but things quickly turned upside down when, on March 17, Kurti dismissed the Minister of Internal Affairs and Public Administration (MPBAP) from the ranks of the LDK, Agim Veli, on the grounds that the latter was "against the position of the prime minister of Kosovo for not declaring a state of emergency". The Kurti government falls on March 25, with 82 votes in favor, 32 against and one abstention from the members of the Assembly of Kosovo. In June, with 61 votes in favor, 24 against and one abstention, the Assembly of Kosovo voted for the new government with Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti from the ranks of the LDK, in coalition with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Social Democratic Initiative, the Serbian List, as well as small minority parties. The country will have new elections in 2021 as the Constitutional Court of Kosovo has declared invalid the mandate of deputy Etem Arifi who voted for the Hoti Government, as he was sentenced to one year and three months in prison.

The two prime ministers of 2020: Avdullah Hoti and Albin Kurti

On June 25, the meeting scheduled for June 27 in Washington, between Kosovo and Serbia, is canceled, since Prime Minister Hoti refused to go after the publication by the Special Court of the indictment against President Hashim Thaçi and the chairman of PDK, Kadri Veseli. On September 24, the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor, based in The Hague, announced that it had made the first arrest in Kosovo: the former KLA soldier, Salih Mustafa, who was a senior official in the Directorate of Intelligence and Security at the Ministry of Defense. A day later, the European Mission for the Rule of Law in Kosovo (EULEX) raided the offices of the Organization of War Veterans of the Kosovo Liberation Army (OVLUÇK). On this same day, the chairman of this organization, Hysni Gucati, and the vice-chairman of OVLUÇK, Nasim Haradinaj, were arrested. After their arrest, they were sent to The Hague, where the indictment for obstruction of justice was later confirmed by the Special Court.

On November 4, the former spokesman of the KLA, Jakup Krasniqi, was sent to The Hague. A day later, one of the founders of the KLA, Rexhep Selimi, is sent to The Hague. The same day, November 5, Hashim Thaçi resigns from the post of president, after the indictment has been confirmed by the Special Court. Even Kadri Veseli withdraws from political positions after the confirmation of the Special's indictment.

On July 10, with the mediation of France, Germany and the EU, a virtual summit between Kosovo and Serbia was held. Meanwhile, on September 4, the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia signed the agreement for economic normalization in Washington. The signing took place in the presence of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. That same day, Israel recognized the state of Kosovo.

Washington meeting (September 2020)

In North Macedonia, the first case of coronavirus was recorded on February 26. On March 27, the country becomes the 30th member of NATO. Meanwhile, early parliamentary elections were held on July 15, where the "Mundemi" coalition led by the Social Democratic League of Macedonia (LSDM) emerged victorious. On August 31, the Assembly of North Macedonia voted in the new government headed by the SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev, which also included the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI) and SDSM's pre-election partners - BESA and Liberal Democratic Party (PLD).

The first case of coronavirus in Albania was registered on March 8, 2020. On May 17, after two years of resistance, the building of the National Theater of Albania, in the center of Tirana, was demolished. The destruction was accompanied by tensions and clashes between the police and some artists, citizens and civil society activists who repeatedly opposed the plans of the Municipality of Tirana for the construction of a new building for the theater in the same place where the building with historical and architectural values ​​was located. Riots in Tirana will also erupt in December, after 25-year-old Klodian Rasha is killed by policeman Nevaldo Hajdaraj. On September 6, President Ilir Meta decreed the parliamentary elections for April 25, 2021.

The United Nations announced that 2020 was the hottest year on record, for which the glaciers are melting at a high speed, while in cold Siberia temperatures reach 38 degrees (and it snows in Saudi Arabia). Temperatures are also "increased" by numerous fires, especially in the Amazon, known as the "Lungs of the World", as well as in Australia.

Amazon on fire

On May 25, 46-year-old George Floyd dies in the hospital. But the video with the words "don't breathe", after the police had put their knee on his neck, caused great unrest in the USA and the movement "Black Lives Matter".

The year 2020 is remembered for the realization of Brexit, i.e. the exit of Great Britain from the European Union, for the victory of the Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential elections in the USA, the Azerbaijan-Armenia war, the political unrest in authoritarian Belarus, the assassination of the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani (head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard forces), the explosion at the Port of Beirut, the historic agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, the dangerous tensions between Turkey and Greece... and the discovery of the vaccine to fight the coronavirus. The latest discovery by the companies "Pfizer" and "BioNTech" is described as a "great development for science and humanity". Even the "Moderna" company has discovered such a vaccine.

Died in 2020: actors Terry Jones, Kirk Douglas, Jerry Stiller, Carl Reiner, Olivia de Havilland, Sean Connery… musicians Kenny Rogers, Florian Schneider, Little Richard, Vera Lynn, Ennio Morricone, Peter Green, Eddie van Halen… basketball player Kobe Bryant , footballer Diego Maradona... The year 2020 marked great losses for Albanian art and culture. This year died: actors Leze Qena, Adem Mikullovci, Rikard, Ljarja, Koço Devole, Muharrem Fejzo... writers Musa Ramadani, Faslli Haliti, Moikom Zeqo, painter Lumturi Blloshmi; architect Max Velo; sculptor Arben Bajo; photographer Arben Çeli; icons of Albanian music in Kosovo: Nexhmije Pagarusha, Shahindere Bërlajolli and Ismet Peja; composer and baritone Avni Mula; the rhapsody of Isa Llapqeva and the legend of rock music, Violeta Rexhepagiqi. In February, there was also a death that did not cause much bitterness: on February 26, at the age of 99, Nexhmije Hoxha, the widow of the former dictator Enver Hoxha, who held various positions during the communist regime (1944-1991), died in the institutions and organizations of the time, being one of the main causes of suffering in Albania.

And finally... down to 2020! /Telegraph/

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Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in 1914, 1924, 1934... and 2014!?
Read too Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in 1914, 1924, 1934... and 2014!?
Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1915s, 1925s, 1935s... 2015!?
Read too Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1915s, 1925s, 1935s... 2015!?
Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1916s, 1926s, 1936s... 2016!?
Read too Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1916s, 1926s, 1936s... 2016!?
Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1917s, 1927s, 1937s... 2017!?
Read too Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1917s, 1927s, 1937s... 2017!?
Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1918s, 1928s, 1938s... 2018!?
Read too Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1918s, 1928s, 1938s... 2018!?
Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1919s, 1929s, 1939s... 2019!?
Read too Albanians through the decades: What did they go through in the 1919s, 1929s, 1939s... 2019!?