33 years since the fall of the bust of dictator Enver Hoxha

33 years since the fall of the bust of dictator Enver Hoxha

33 years ago, on February 20, 1991, tens of thousands of citizens rose to tear down the symbol of communism, a few months after the old regime, which was living its last days, had allowed political pluralism.

The bust of the communist dictator Enver Hoxha was prompted by the hunger strike undertaken by several hundred students to remove his name from the university. February 20 is now designated as the day of national remembrance for the martyrs and victims of the communist regime. In fact, it also marked the end of the dictatorship in Albania.

The images of those events, in "Skënderbej" square, went around the world and once again put Albania in the focus of international developments. Top Channel reports that the overthrow of the bust of the dictator, Enver Hoxha, would also mark the parting with the past and the beginning of a new era, that of democracy. /Telegraph/